Date 2023/01/02
Attending physician Wallace Kettelarji (500481)
Severity Critical
Details Patient was recovered during Operation Line-Lightning on a deployment to Tango Urilla. While alive, they were recovered in critical condition, have being mauled by a warrior. To this end, they've suffered some minor scarring, available for treatment, if they wish. More importantly, Sergeant Isihara is missing their left forearm.
Treatment - Sergerant Isihara is to receive a Tier-One Biotech replacement for their left forearm. This should be done expediently; we need all the Pathfinders we can get.

- A 50mg dose of Neurodenazine is to be administered prior to surgery. Afterwards, Sergreant Isihara is to be administered a 80mg dose of Neurodenazine every month.

- Both treatment steps above are to be followed with a physical examination after they've received their biotech. Screen additionally for any resulting psychological issues within the next two weeks.
